A Thought for Every Thursday – The 7 Quickest Questions You’ll Ever Answer

Pop quiz, hot shot.

Answer each of the following using five words or fewer.



When is war the answer?


If you could only teach your child two lessons in life, what would the lessons be?


Is the best defense a strong offense?


Name one thing that truly, utterly terrifies you.


Is there anything in the world worthy of worship?


For $1,000,000, would you agree to never have sex again?

For $10,000,000

For $500,000?


The three worst things humanity has done over the course of history are:





 Can both of these be true??

* * *

If you like these kinds of questions, try these on for size.

If you prefer something gentler, go here.

Past Thought for Every Thursday entries are right here.

Until next week…

J Edward Neill

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  1. I just bought both these books as we’re off on holiday to the Scottish highlands and I believe you’ll offer us some fascinating discussions! All my kids are adults now… so expecting some fireworks and deep answers while we’re in the middle of nowhere with no internet.

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