Phoenix in Need of Home, Plays well with Unicorns


There once lived a phoenix trapped in the mind of an artist until the day she set him free in fiery waves of sunlight and crimson. While the artist loved the magical bird, she knew he must be set free, to find his own home and heart. She watched him soar over plains and dew frosted pines until she could only see him in her dreams.


Where will my little Phoenix find a home? He first traveled to Colorado and then Kansas City, Missouri for Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3, but no one captured his heart. Now he waits, feeling hopeful that someone will find him and love him.

Adopt a Phoenix Today

Spectrum Fantastic Art Live

‘Spectrum Fantastic Art Live is the Sundance of Illustration.’ – Gregory Manchess

I won’t be there but my tiny oil painting, Phoenix and the Unicorn will be!

Phoenix and the Unicorn by Amanda Makepeace

Last month I entered a contest via Jon Schindehette’s site The ArtOrder. Artists were invited to submit a 3×3 inch painting in traditional medium for possible inclusion in Jon’s exhibit booth at Spectrum Fantastic Art Live 3. Read more