Life has a way of repeatedly kicking you in the nether regions at times.
Like, repeatedly.
Case in point: about a couple of weeks ago the head gasket on my car went caput, with a giant C. Smoke and/or steam began spewing from the hood, my car began making a weird sucking/ popping sound, and only by the skin of my teeth was I able to make it out of rush hour traffic to an empty driveway to wait for a tow.

A reenactment of Robert’s descent into madness
Car was taken to a shop, shop said it would take 5 days, maybe 7 max to repair.
7 turned into 8, 8 turned into something else, new days of completion were provided, patience was provided by yours truly, and then those days were missed.
Patience began wearing thin, other missed days were promised, terse conversations followed, and FINALLY the car was repaired. Head gasket was said to be in tip top shape, and I was back on the road.
So fast forward to 6/30 (remember, this whole thing began on 6/15) I’m driving along, listening to Collider Heroes Podcast, maxin’ and relaxin’, enjoying the AC, and then I notice my temperature gauge is running hot.
And then guess what happens?
Smoke and/or steam began spewing from the hood, my car began making a weird sucking/ popping sound, and only by the skin of my teeth was I able to make it out of rush hour traffic to the side of the road to wait for a tow truck.
So there I am, sitting in the car, ticked beyond comprehension after getting off the phone with the repair shop. Told them I wasn’t paying for a repair that should’ve been handled correctly before to which they agreed, and they said to have my car towed to the shop again to be checked out.

Another reenactment of Robert losing it on the phone. Side note: notice that my cell phone appears to be modeled after an old landline phone.
That’s so retro!
What to do? Stew in my anger as traffic whizzed past my immobile vehicle?
Heck no!
This situation called for something epic, something that would get my mind off of the fact that I was slowly roasting even with the windows down:
A live reaction session via FB for the first episode of that 90’s cross dimensional hopping sci-fi adventure, Sliders, through the Netflix app on my phone.
Below is the insanity that flowed from my fingers as I waited for rescue.

The OG’s of Cross Dimensional Travel, a.k.a The Fab Four
Epilogue: The car got repaired the next day and is rolling along a bit better.
Thanks Sliders for getting me through it all.
Bonus: Here’s a little diddy from the Crying Man himself, Mr. Rembrandt Brown.