One of my buddies, Wolf (read some of the articles he did here and here), requested I help to spread the word about one of gaming’s greats and his struggles.
“Rick Loomis was one of the founding members of the Game Manufacturing Association, serving as its president several times. He started Flying Buffalo Games, was one of the first people to ever run a Play-by-Mail game, and published numerous pieces of gaming goodness including Tunnels & Trolls and Grimtooth’s Traps.
Unfortunately, he was also recently diagnosed with lymphatic cancer.There is a GoFundMe set up to help his family to pay his medical bills.”
“Adventurer! In a good cause we’ve revived our July 2017 Catalyst Bundle, featuring the Catalyst line and other tabletop fantasy roleplaying game .PDF ebooks from Flying Buffalo. Rick Loomis, founder of Flying Buffalo, publisher of Tunnels & Trolls, and designer of the first-ever solitaire adventure (Buffalo Castle), is facing overwhelming medical bills from his treatment for lymphatic cancer. Rick’s family has started a GoFundMe campaign, and we’re also helping with this great collection of Buffalo’s Catalyst supplements that work with any fantasy RPG. Notably, the CityBook series presents dozens of individual shops, establishments, and characters you can add to any urban fantasy adventure.”
***UPDATED 2019-08-24 at 20:00***
“Fate is a strange mistress. For today is August 24th and that is Rick’s Birthday. Unfortunately today is also the sad, sad day that I have to tell you all that Rick Loomis passed away, just seven hours before his birthday of complications of his cancer.”
Rex Draconis RPG, based on the novel series by Richard A. Knaak, and the RPG by Richard, Phil Beckwith, and Micah Watt, is available in-print via DriveThruRPG. Rex Draconis is something I’ve written several articles about as I see it as the best love letter to Dragonlance there is.
Speaking of Phil Beckwith, he has a 5e RPG on Kickstarter ending soon.
Wranglers of Westhallow (for D&D 5E) from P.B. Publishing on Kickstarter
END DATE: Sun, August 25 2019 8:57 AM EDT.
“Wranglers of Westhallow is a rootin-tootin, yeehaw Wild West D&D 5E adventure book with focus on lighthearted comedic fun.”
Dungeons&Lazers sent a message about how well their tabletop miniatures Kickstarter is going. The Facebook post above gives an idea of what they’ve unlocked so far. Check out the Kickstarter here before it ends on Tuesday, August 27 2019 1:00 PM EDT.
The Esper Genesis Threats Database is available with over 200 sci-fi monsters and NPCs for 5e at DriveThruRPG.
Justice Velocity from Polyhedra is live at DriveThruRPG and worth checking out! My copy arrived yesterday and it looks great! Check out their press releases here and here for more details.
M.T. Black, my fellow journalist at EN World, has another DMs Guild project live:
The Lonely Scroll Adventure Contest: Saltmarsh
“Lonely Scroll Adventure Contest: Saltmarsh book. This volume contains 47 “one-page adventures” created for the Lonely Scroll Adventure Contest around the theme of “Saltmarsh”. The entrants included new talent, rising stars, and a few veteran designers as well.
The competition was founded and curated by M.T. Black. The judge was Tony Petrecca.”
Another project that’s worth looking at before it ends:
Cities of Hârn by Columbia Games
END DATE: Mon, August 26 2019 2:59 AM EDT.
“Cities of Hârn is a medieval RPG setting. All seven cities will be updated, colorized, with more content than ever before!”
I had a chance to do a short interview with WS Quinton about his Broken RPG Kickstarter.
Broken! ~ A Break KickStarter created TTRPG from Sinopa Publishing LLC on Kickstarter
END DATE: Wed, September 11 2019 11:59 PM EDT.
“Get the game for $1 Get the game and vote on design for $5 Exercise the power of your voice & vote to create a fun RPG 5E or M.A.R.S?”
EGG: Looking at Broken, I’m into the idea of what you’re doing and think it has a lot of potential. That said, the goal is $15k, but the pledge levels are $1 and $5. That requires 3,000 backers at $5. What do you have in mind to reach that number of backers? Or will there be higher pledge levels?
WS QUINTON: Nope, $5 is highest. We’re looking for those 3k backers. The $15,000 is needed for all the art and layout, editing etc. I’m just hoping we can stir up enough interest to bring out a well crafted game that folks want to play. It’s ambitious as hell and will be hard to fund. But I want folks to be able to get the game regardless of their means. Which is one big reason the tiers are so low. As far as reaching backers, I’m reaching out to every blogger, podcaster and YouTuber I know, and several I don’t. I’m asking backers to advocate on social media for their choices to help bring in more backers to their own preferences.
EGG: Are you planning to run this for thirty days or longer so you can get more feedback from backers?
WSQ: Thirty days, then we’ll work and get the playtest out in December and spend the next six months digesting feedback to make the final version the best we can. Also I showed the preview to one of the directors at Kickstarter. Because they’re really pushing the Break Kickstarter theme. I got a response back that was very encouraging as well as her saying she was showing it to folks at Kickstarter so they could watch for it. With luck maybe we’ll get a project we love nod.
EGG: That is excellent news! Do you have any thoughts for backers who vote for an option that does not come to pass?
WSQ: Yes, enjoy Broken in its final form. Let us know what you want in the flavor that didn’t come out on top. If there is enough interest we’ll bring that option again to a future campaign. In the meantime, enjoy the game.
EGG: Going back to the number of backers, you’re looking for around the same number as Grimmerspace, Old-School Essentials, Kids on Bikes, and Pugmire, to name a few. If you achieve that kind of reach, what are you expecting in terms of product? Size, shape, contents?
WSQ: We’re aiming for at least 160 pages for first book. Probably more like 200 if we get MARS selected as game mechanics. Again these are our minimum projections. 6-by-9 inch digest format as that was very well received with Whispers of Persephone. Its also an economical option for print on demand copy cost considerations. We really want this game to be high quality at low cost and easily accessible to everyone. Yeah, we need huge numbers of backers. But that is the burden we bear for low tier costs and a lot of full color original art. It is clearly unconventional so the Break Kickstarter theme fits nicely.
I want to thank Scott Woodard and the Pinnacle Entertainment Group for writing a post about my review of their book, Flash Gordon™ Roleplaying Game core rulebook. I really enjoyed the game and I’m glad that they liked my review enough to honor me by spilling some digital ink onto the [web] page. Check out Pinnacle’s post.
This week, I had a ridiculous number of articles published:
- EN World – RPG Crowdfunding News – Fiasco, Shadow Profiteer, Resist & Remember, and more
- EN World – I didn’t record this podcast, but one of my articles was used as a source for their Kickstarter segment – Podcast #62: 2000AD, Devil’s Run and King of Wars with Marc Langworthy
- EN World – Free RPG Day 2020 and Beyond – Interview with Paul Alexander Butler of Gaming Days, LLC
- d20 Radio – Check Out The Scene: ORIGINS GAME FAIR 2019
- DGI – Harrowings #01: From the Rime! [Not an article but a zine that I participated in]
- By Guy Sciancalepore, Ian Rollins, Amanda Kahl, Benjamin Croft, Doug Shute, Bridget Querns, Aaron Cordiale, Alex Jarkey, Cameron Weller, Drew Cochran, Nathan Klinger, and Egg Embry
- Tessera Guild – This article right here. It was a good week.