– Ten Ridiculous Scenarios –
In other words…
How many buttons will you push?
Money Button
Suppose you could push a button that would steal one dollar from every person in the world who has a bank account and deposit it into your account.
It’d be a totally untraceable transaction.
No one would ever know.
Push or no push?

Vampire Button
For every time you push this deep, dark crimson button, you’re guaranteed to add one year to your lifespan.
Each time you push it, two years of life are sucked from another person at random. This person can be anyone in the world. You might never know.
How many times will you push the button?

The Waistline Button
For each time you push it, this slim little button will carve five pounds of fat off your body permanently. The weight will come off whatever body area you desire.
Keep in mind you’ll never ever be able to gain this weight back.
Pressing it?
How many times?

The Button of Inches
This button will add 1 inch of height to you for every time you push it.
There are no negative side effects.
Would you push it?
How many times?

The Pink Slip Button
If you push this button, you’ll get a big promotion tomorrow. Your pay will be doubled. You’ll get a corner office, a sweet company car, and all the perks a top employee at your company could expect.
The very next day, a random person at your company (other than you) will be fired with no chance of being rehired.
Push or no push?

Grey Button
Push this faded red button, and all the color will vanish from your life. Every sky will be grey. Apples will be pale and colorless. Leaves will be a washed-out shade of white. The world, as far as you see it, will forever be white, black, and various shades of grey.
$250,000 cash (on a grey deposit statement, of course) will appear in your bank account.
Do you dare?

All or Nothing Button
If you push this button, you will become the most famous person who ever lived.
You’ll be adored, worshipped, and loved by every single person on the planet. Because of this, you’ll have all the riches and luxury you desire, but you’ll also have no privacy and nearly no alone time. Ever. Your life will be scrutinized to no end.
If you don’t push this button, you’ll become a hermit. You’ll be alone, friendless, and without a lover. But you’ll have all the peace and quiet you want.
Push or no push?

Persuasion Button
There are no real drawbacks to this button.
…unless you abuse it.
Upon pushing, you will gain the power to persuade any one person in the world to take one single action.
You can only use it once.
You must know the person’s full name.
You must be very specific when determining the one action they must take.
Would you push?
If so, who’s doing what?

Bad, Bad Button
This shady little button is just begging you to push it.
If you do, you’ll learn every negative thing your closest friends and family have ever said about you.
Every time they’ve said something behind your back.
Every time they’ve secretly criticized you.
Everything bad. Ever.
Would you dare push such a button?
Or is it better to let some secrets remain unknown?

The Reality Warp Button
If you press it, all crime will end. No one on Earth will ever break any law. Governments will pass only peaceful, fair rules for every population to follow. No prisons will exist. No police will be needed.
However, lacking the urge to break any rules, everyone alive will have 75% less time for entertainment.
If you don’t push it, society will continue as it is.
Or don’t push and keep on truckin’?

Each of these ten questions (buttons) appears in my brand new book, Big Shiny Red Buttons – A Book of Ridiculous Scenarios.
You should check it out.

It has more than a hundred buttons for you to push…or not push.
Hasta la vista, baby.
J Edward Neill