5 Deep, Dark Questions

To blow up any party anywhere.

 Start asking questions to mess with people’s minds…

 …and stuff.

* * *

Little Pharma

 Turns out you’re in the pharmaceutical industry.

And you’ve just invented the pill of a lifetime.

Used once daily, whoever takes it becomes immune to ______________.

_____________ can be whatever you want it to be, but it can only be one thing.

A disease. A mental condition. A state of mind. Whatever.

 Fill in _____________.


Can we Talk?

 Take a brief trip into your own past.

 What’s one piece of advice you’d give your younger self?


Extinction Level Events

 Choose one animal species on Earth to utterly eliminate. Consider all the repercussions of their absence.

Now choose an extinct species to revive and return to a healthy population level.

 Explain both your choices.


 Protect this House

 Name two instances in which it’s ok to be completely selfish.


 The Heist

 If you could steal any one thing in the world and make it yours forever, what would it be?

It can be an object, a person, a life situation, a place.

You won’t get in any trouble for taking it.

No one will ever know.



* * *

If you enjoy these types of questions, here’s more.

The five up above are similar to what you’ll find in my ice-breaker/conversation-starter/philosophy-lite book:


Until next time,

J Edward Neill

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