First, let’s get the business out of the way.
If you want to read some quality comic books head here and here.
I’m kind of biased, but I think they’re the bee’s knees. 🙂
So, I’m here tonight (or this morning, considering what side of the world you’re on) to talk video games with ya.
Specifically co-op games.
A lot of people love playing sports games, role playing games, third person action-adventure games, first person shooters (FPS), and the lists go on and on. A little mustached plumber and his brother have pretty much cornered the market in most of the above categories, though I haven’t seen Mario busting a cap FPS style in a goomba’s butt.
That’d be awesome to watch.
I’m getting sidetracked.
Co-op games.
Jason Rybka of defines co-operative games as “a game in which two or more players team up to achieve a specific goal, playing side by side, either via LAN, split-screen, or via the Internet. More specifically, co-op is a multiplayer game play type. The literal translation is co-operative. Co-op games are widely popular and are increasingly becoming an included game play option in many games.”
Robert Jeffrey’s definition of co-operative games: games which allow you and a group of friends to collectively kick the butt’s of hordes of zombies/ super villains/ stereotypical y cheesy 80’s-90’s street toughs, while having a fun time.
The idea of teaming up in person with a group of friends, random strangers at an arcade (ahhhh, those were the days), or via online gaming, is a fun one for me. I understand the single player experience. I get it. Heck, I even love the competitive aspect of an FPS or fighting game. I’ve spent countless hours getting my butt handed to me in epic Halo death matches, and Marvel vs. Capcom bouts.
But to me, planning, and strategizing with a group of guys and gals to complete a game can lead to some extraordinary gaming experiences.
I don’t consider myself an expert gamer at all, just a guy who likes to have a good time with a wireless controller.
Wow, that didn’t sound right at all.
Um… well as I think of a way to clean up that creepy statement, read ahead and check out the first two entries on my list of my four favorite co-op games/ gaming experiences.
4. Streets of Rage 2/ Sega Genesis/ Release Date: December 20, 1992
After my brother and I got our NES system, the next game console that we received a few years later was the Sega Genesis. The mighty, mighty, SEGA! Note: you’ve got to yell SEGA like that guy from the commercials.
The system of Sonic. Altered Beast. Toe Jam and Earl. Sewer Shark (actually that was the Sega CD).
And Streets of Rage 2.
Oh hellz yeah.
Streets of Rage 2 was the shiznit. Sure there had been Double Dragon before, and other such brawlers. But for me the Streets of Rage series was something special. Was it the stylish R&B, electronica/techno laced soundtrack (that I can still nod my head to even now)? Was it the aforementioned stereotypical multi-ethnic street gangs with dumb names? Or was it the fact that each game in the series had a plot which sounded like a bad Steven Seagal movie?
It might’ve been all of the above. Who knows? But what stood out to me (and I’m sure my brother can agree with this) was the awesome butt whooping’s that you could lay down.
First off, every fighter in this sequel (Axel Stone, Blaze Fielding, Eddie “Skate” Hunter, and Max Thunder”) KICKS-MAJOR-ASS. And has an awesome name.
Whether it’s Axel knuckling up on some punks, Blaze kicking butt oh-so gracefully with skull crushing kicks, or Max Thunder using his hulking frame to tear through the baddies, you got to button mash to your hearts content.
And don’t think I’ve forgotten about Skate. My homey Skate.
This dude was fighting on roller blades.
I know I turned into an 11 year old with that statement, but hear me out.
This was a kid, a black kid who was kicking butt to save his kidnapped brother. And in an industry where a lot of heroic characters of color weren’t in great abundance, this was awesome for my brother and me to see.
Skate could pull off awesome moves like jumping onto the back of a thug, and commence to dropping blow’s like small anvils on their heads. He had this fantastic special move where he’d flail his arms like a madman, while hurtling towards the bad guys on his roller blades.
Blaze was always my personal favorite in the series, but Skate came a close second.
So we would spend countless hours beating up various baddies in the hopes of defeating Mr. X, and saving the day. Whether it was avoiding motorcycle riding grenade tossing Mad Max rejects, or fighting evil kick boxers, my brother and I enjoyed fun times with cracking skulls and taking names.
So definitely, if you’re in the mood to team up with another friend, to just knuckle up and beat some bad guy butts, you can find the title on XBOX Live Arcade, and Steam.
Go with the dynamic duo of Blaze and Skate and you won’t be disappointed.
Honorable Mentions: Street Team: The Video Game, Battle Toads, Double Dragon, Golden Axe, Castle Crashers, XMEN Arcade, TMNT Arcade
3. Marvel Ultimate Alliance/ Xbox 360/ Release Date: October 24, 2006
Remember as a kid when you use to team up with your neighborhood friends, choose a superhero, and kick all sorts of imaginary bad guy butt? Remember how awesome it felt to strap a towel around your neck, jump from tree’s, do fake karate, and shoot imaginary laser’s from your fists?
Awesome, right?
Fast forward a number of years, and now you can do that from the comfort of your couch, sans towel wrapped around your neck.
Okay, maybe you still wear the towel.
Hey, if Linus can rock it for as long as he has, so can you.
Enter stage left, Marvel Ultimate Alliance. Alliance allows you to choose from an impressive lineup of Marvel heroes and heroines, including such stand out characters as Spiderman, Blade, Captain America, Wolverine (as if that dude doesn’t get enough screen time already), Ms. Marvel, Mister Fantastic, Colossus, Luke Cage, Doctor Strange, Thor, Storm, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

Notice Blade in the top right trying to look cool as a cucumber.
A half human/ half vampire cucumber.
You want the Fantastic Four? You got ‘em.
You want an X-MEN themed team? You got ‘em.
You want the mighty, bi-coastal Avengers? You-got-em.
With a host of baddies to fight, and levels potmarked with Easter Eggs which die hard Marvel fans can appreciate, this game is a beauty to behold.
The fighting system is excellent, and as you gain more experience your abilities grow in awe inspiring fashion. Being able to do team combos is an added plus, and gets you wanting to reenact scenes from “The Avengers”.
Don’t even get me started on the awesomesauce that is “alternate costumes”.
Myself and a group of friends pretty much waded through this game over a series of weeks, XBOX controllers in hand, staying up to the wee hours of the night. A personal favorite of mine is Storm (going back to the X-MEN Legends days, another title you should give a shot for the PS2). This goddess of weather tornadoed and chain lightning’ed her way through Dr. Doom, Ultron, the Winter Soilder and a host of other evil-doers.
You can more than likely find a copy of this with most online video game retailers (, or used video game retailers.
Honorable Mentions: XMEN Legends, XMEN Legends: Rise of Apocalypse, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Gonna stop here for the evening as my eyelids are steadily drooping. I’ll drop my last two favorite co-op titles your way next week. Thanks for following me down my video gaming memory lane.