Dear _ _ _ ,
I hate writing you this letter. A decade ago, five years ago, it would have been unthinkable. I would have never thought I’d be writing these words. But the last few years have been hard for me, and I can no longer deny it:
I’m not in love with you anymore.
It happens. To everyone at some point. You fall in love. Hard. The object of your affection becomes the only thing you can think about. You can’t sleep. You can’t eat. You want to know absolutely everything about your love, inside and out. The time you spend together, well, it’s electrifying. Comforting. Glorious. You invest your emotions so wholly that if anything goes wrong, you feel it for a week.
Because for every cheer there is a rolling tear; for every pleasure, there is lingering pain.
But without the droughts, the showers wouldn’t be nearly as sweet.
You and I have been in this relationship for a very long time. To be honest, it’s been hard on me. You have not been kind. Sometimes you’ve been flat-out mean. There have of course been some amazing times, but more than anything you have been a cruel tease: every time I felt as if magic was going to happen, you yanked it away from me.
But it’s not the pain that brings me to write this letter. As a wise and dashing dread pirate once told us: “Life is pain…anyone who says differently is selling something.”
No, the reason this long-overdue letter is being written now is simple.
We’ve changed.
It’s not you.
It’s not me.
It’s us.
I’m a guy that likes to arrange my thoughts in bullet points. I know that seems rather formal and cold given the delicate nature of this communication, but it’s the best way to explain how I feel. So the following is an itemized list of why we cannot be an…item…anymore.
1) You are both too violent and not violent enough.
You are by your very nature a brute. A rampaging, violent freak that smells of blood and sweat. You thrive on carnage, and whether it’s broken bones or crushing blows to the head, you know how to throw down. And every year you get stronger and you get faster and you get more intense and every time I watch you I’m afraid someone is going to get killed.
That shit used to turn me on.
But you’re starting to change your behavior. And I appreciate that. You’re doing things to curb this facet of your personality. You will never be a pacifist, but at least you are trying to be safe. More responsbile. You don’t want anyone to get seriously hurt.
It’s happened before. Remember Joe? You hurt him bad. Sterling, too. Poor Mike from Detroit was never the same. And what about Bo? Everybody knows about Bo. Especially Bo.
You are going to hurt people; that is unavoidable. But you are making great strides in stemming that tide. There’s only one problem…
It makes me less attracted to you.
I never thought I was into bad boys, but I guess I am. The less dangerous you get, the less interesting. Less fun. That edge was such a thrill and now you’re doing everything you can to blunt it.
And I hate myself for thinking that. You’re not doing anything wrong. You are being responsible. My brain knows that. But my heart…
My heart wants what it wants.
And, to my shame, it wants blood.
This one’s on me.
2) You’re kind of a thug.
I’m no saint but I’ve never been arrested. A few traffic tickets but the only time I’ve ever been detained was in elementary school for talking in class.
But you, you’re trouble. Way badder of a boy even for the likes of me.
Theft. Drunk driving. Drugs. Domestic assault. Rape. Murder.
Remember that time you put a gun in your sweatpants and went to a club and accidently shot yourself? So, so, stupid. Who wears sweatpants to a club?
And the dogs? Really, man? Those poor dogs.
It’s hard to keep making excuses for you. To defend you to my friends. I have to accept it.
You’re a fucking thug. And I don’t think that’s going to change.
3) The Man upstairs.
This may not seem fair, but your religious views bother me. Not the fact that you have them, but that you display them so ostentatiously. How you thank the Lord for everything that goes right but never curse His name when things go wrong.
If there is a God, do you really think He’s your personal good luck charm, your magic genie you can rub for wishes? Do you think He gives a He-damn about these trivial things you pray about?
You probably do. Humility has never been one of your strong suits.
4) You’re kind of a racist.
5) You’re such a cheat I can’t believe Miranda Lambert hasn’t killed you in a song yet.
Posted by Mike Florio on May 1, 2013, 7:02 AM EDT
The NFL bans HGH use. The NFL still has no test in place to determine whether players are complying with this rule. Not surprisingly, players still ignore the rule.
Dan Patrick mentions from time to time that a starting NFL quarterback privately told Patrick within the past two or three years that 60 percent of the league uses HGH. Tyler Dunne of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that HGH use is “rampant.”
Everybody knows it but no one wants to talk about it. We all look the other way, myself included.
Sure, other guys cheat. Barry, Alex, that dude Lance. But while we’ve condemned them, no one ever accuses you, even though, by all accounts, you’re the worst of the bunch.
You’ll do anything to get what you want. The law, honor, and your health be damned.
It’s become obvious that you can’t even function without cheating. And no one seems to care. It’s disgusting and I can’t just sit idly by and perpetuate the illusion.
As someone who loves you, it has hurt so much to learn about how chronic your cheating has been. I feel betrayed. It’s almost enough for me to take a Louisville Slugger to both of your headlights.
6) You’re stuck in a fantasy world.
I played Dungeons & Dragons in high school. I have logged over a 100 hours on my copy of Skyrim and have started over so I can log another 100. I know what an owlbear is.
I know fantasy.
But your entire life has been taken over by fantasy, like a guy who just discovered Game of Thrones and now runs around draped in furs calling himself ‘King of the North’ (I do kind of wish I had named my Siberian Husky ‘Ghost’). You’ve built this alternate self that may resemble you, but it’s not you. It’s a twisted, Bizzaro version where it doesn’t matter what you do but how you do it. In this world, the means are king and the ends don’t mean a thing.
I used to visit this fantasy universe with you and I have to admit I enjoyed it for a while. But it really started affecting the actual time we spent together. I couldn’t tell which one of you I was with at any given time and you became a lot less enjoyable to be around. When I was playing in this fantasy, I did things, said things, thought things, cheered for things that I never would have in real life. It changed me. And I didn’t like it.
Some people only like the fantasy you. Don’t you get that? They don’t care who you really are, not in your heart. They only care about your measurements, reducing you to a set of sexy numbers. Do you really like being objectified like that?
I guess you do, because you have so embraced it as part of your personality that every year the line between fantasy and reality blurs a little more. Who cares why they love you? You’ll take any attention you can get. It doesn’t matter to you how you get it, does it?
7) You drive people crazy.
And I don’t mean in a Fine Young Cannibals sort of way.
I mean in a life-destroying, brain-swelling, personality-changing, driving people to suicide sort of way.
I don’t have any jokes about this.
You know what you’ve done.
8) THIS.
I mean, what the fuck?
9) There’s someone else.
I have a confession. This whole time I’ve been with you, I’ve also been in love with someone else. A friend of yours, actually. Well, more of a rival. And while my love for you has waned over the years, my passion for the other has grown and grown to the point of eclipsing you entirely.
Look, me and this other guy, we’re just a better fit. He’s more laid back. Takes his time. He brings me the same ups and downs as you, but, while every bad day with you seems like a catastrophe, with him you just brush it off and try to be better the next day. He is a marathon and not a sprint and you know, deep down, I’m not a sprinter.
I just love him more than you. When he’s around, I don’t pay one lick of attention to you.
I know that must hurt to hear, but it’s the truth.
I’m sorry. It’s not me. It’s not you.
It’s us.
Don’t be so sad. Look, we can still be friends. We can still hang out on Sundays, but I can’t promise you the whole day. Our Monday night date will stand, but I probably won’t wake up looking forward to it. I don’t want you out of my life. I’ll still come to your party in February, but I won’t be on your arm. I just don’t feel that way about you anymore.
And don’t worry. There are literally tens of millions of people out there who will love you more than I ever could or did. You will never be alone.
This is not good-bye, but I am sorry.
I just don’t love you anymore.
Best wishes,
P.S. If you’re worried I’m going to hook up with your little brother, don’t worry. He’s more screwed up than you. At least all of your bullshit is above-board. Who knows what’s going on with him behind closed doors? Well, we all know. We just don’t talk about it.
I enjoyed this post. While I still like football, I do have to agree with most of your points. Though I must confess I am a fantasy whore and enjoy reducing these men to points and deriding them on Facebook when they don’t perform the way I need them to (motherfucking Matt Ryan…it’s Arizona for Christ’s sake!!). And I have never understood the allure of watching amateurs do anything when you can watch the pros. There’s only one thing I enjoy watching that’s done by amateurs and even that can be iffy.
Why, miss, what type of amateur product do you mean?
Thought so. Amateur curling is so hot.