All artists have a list like this right? It’s a list comprised of things they just don’t care for, have no innate ability to create, or something they feel strongly about–in my case the representation of women. These are my big five. Sorry (not sorry) if you were planning to ask me to paint one of these. 😉
1. Manga/Anime – I love the style, but it’s just not in my bones. Can’t do it. Not going to try. But like said, I do love the style and much to the horror of a few of my friends I love Anime. Yes, I’m one of those Studio Ghibli fans and I passed this love onto my daughter.
2. Caricatures – I don’t like them. Some people find caricatures amusing. I’ve always found them disturbing and in some cases scary. They make my insides cringe. However, I can acknowledge the skill behind them. Artists who can pull this off are amazing. I’m not one of them.
3. Women with enormous breasts and slender figures. – Need I elaborate? Add sexy armor to this too, because it’s ridiculous. If that’s your thing then there are other artists who will fulfill your warped dream. Damn… Did I just type that? Yeah. I did.
Imagine an image here….. You all know what I’m talking about.
4. Your favorite superhero. – Sorry. Not going to happen. Sure, I might draw and paint my favorite Marvel villain occasionally, when the urge hits, but that’s something I do for me. Good or bad, it’s fan art. Now, if you’re an art director or just someone with a lot of money that wants to commission a painting from me, that’s a different story. 😉

5. Space Ships, Cars, Mechanized Vehicles – Really not my thing. I could paint them (with a ton of practice) but I prefer focusing on fauna, flora, faces– flesh and bone. The clouds are so much cooler than the airship in this painting, don’t you think?
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I love anime too! (*unapologetic squee here)I knew there was something about you I really liked. But I beg to differ in that I think your airship is wonderful.
Thanks Stacy! 😀
That is an “interstellar sailing vessel” as befits a rich prince and his new bride from a planet in another galaxy who wanted to rent something very cool for their wedding night and go sailing among the water vapor clouds near a hydro-plant with a dwarf star (IMHO). It also reminds me of something you might see on Dune. This one (above) I liked very much, it’s one of my favs of your work. But it sounds like the world might be deprived of your ever doing a space ship again. I know the kind of ships you are talking about though. (Although I still think you could come up with another good one if it suits your fancy.)
It could happen, Ann. 😉