Yeah. You all loved Avengers – Endgame.
We get it. It scored 95% on Rotten Tomatoes.
It’s the second highest grossing film of blah, blah, blah.
You cheered. You wept. You held your bladders for the movie’s entire 17-hour runtime.
As one woman told me, I should shut up and eat my popcorn. A valid point, and yet…
…for those few among you who are objective, and those few who went into the movie hoping to actually be surprised, shocked, or stunned, this is for you.
Warning: This list contains spoilers. Lots and lots of spoilers.
All the arguments I have with Avengers – Endgame
When Thanos’s ship fires a massive volley of missiles into the Avengers’ base, not a single Avenger suffers any significant injury. Not. One. Why even bother with missiles? Would a nuclear bomb hurt them? I mean…even the non-superpower Avengers just shrug off cruise missiles. Wow. Impressive.
Also, why not use the ship’s giant guns and even more missiles on the army of good guys as they assemble in one big easy-to-shoot, ‘hey, look at us assembling‘ block? Why wait until the battle’s end…when doing so means shooting your own soldiers?
Speaking of which, did one single blast from Thanos’ ship…I mean, even ONE…take out a single good guy?
If time travel is now a thing, doesn’t it mean the Avengers can now resolve any possible threat simply by retrieving the infinity stones as needed? Doesn’t that negate the need for every future movie?
Time travel is lazy af. The ultimate deus ex machina.
Speaking of time, does everyone have plenty of it to pause and have lengthy conversations during a giant battle which will decide the fate of the Universe…or is it just the Avengers?
When using time travel, does everyone randomly meet a key person from their past…triggering long and needless exposition, or is it just the Avengers?
It took Thanos a lifetime’s worth of dedication to finally retrieve all six Infinity Stones, but it takes drunk Thor, a trash panda, and Scarlett Johansson just a few hours to traverse the galaxy and do the same? Hell, give me a few days and maybe I’LL collect all the stones. (When I snap my fingers, I’ll do something more interesting than murder everyone, I promise.)
“Oh Hulk…you said Doctor Strange did what? I completely believe you. Here’s the Time Stone.” Get the f**k out of here.
Captain America can use Mjolnir to create lightning? Breaking your own rules, Marvel.
Whenever I’m creating giant time-traveling machinery that has never before been made, I always have the materials needed to build it readily available.
Please never use time travel again. Unless you’re Back to the Future or the original Terminator. Just. Stop.
For the love of god, Thanos, when you have an Avenger weakened and on his back, f__king finish them. Don’t just punch them a few times and start monologuing. For the smartest villain in the world, you sure aren’t….oh never mind.
Is it really sacrificing someone (for the purpose of claiming the Soul Stone) if that person commits suicide against your wishes?
Hey Marvel (or any filmmaker for that matter) if we ALL know how the movie ends, that’s not good storytelling. That’s called, ‘We know this will make money, so why take any risks?‘
My kid fell asleep. Twice. Five-hundred previous movies, and this is the first one to make him zzzzzzzzzzz. Impressive.
…mostly because of the heavy-handed scene with Tony Stark and his daddy. And the other one with Cap’n America and Peggy. Unsubtlety, thy presence is strong in this film.
Pretty convenient footsteps, Mister Rat who frees Paul Rudd. If not for you, this whole movie wouldn’t have been possible.
At least Ken Jeong showed up. Best part of the movie.
Lastly, Nebula sucks as a good girl. Borrrrring…
Ok. I’m done.
My other movie reviews are here. They’re mostly positive. Please enjoy.