I know. I promised this second installment in November, but family time, turkey, unruly cats. . . I just ran out of time. But I’m back with more valuable bookmarks for fantasy artists. If you missed my first post on Informative Blogs, check out Bookmarks for the Fantasy Artist Part I. The bookmarks I’m sharing are from my Digital Art Resources folder; which is made of several more folders. I don’t have the definitive list. These are just the bookmarks I’ve collected so far. This month I’m sharing the contents of my Learning folder.
I call this my learning folder, but it could also be named Amanda’s eLearning Wishlist. The folder consists of two different types of sites: online schools and video lessons. As you can see from the photo above, I have more video lessons than schools. I haven’t bought these, so I can’t comment/review on their quality, but I probably will buy more than a few of them. Below is my top five from the folder.
Art Camp – Noah Bradley’s Art Camp. I’m giving serious thought to signing up for this 12 week course next year. It’s not cheap, but it’s doable. The only drawback… It begins in late May and ends in late August–the same time I’d be preparing for Dragon Con (if I pass the jury). So, that’s something to consider.
Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Art (Online Courses) – There’s a reason I’ve put LAAFA between Art Camp and SmArt School. Their Fantasy Illustration and Drawing from the Imagination courses are very tempting!
SmArt School – If I won the lottery, I’d sign up for SmArt School as soon as registration opened. It’s another distinguished school and it’s online!! But right now, it’s just not in my budget.
Visual Storytelling with Iain McCaig Vol.1 – This is just one video lesson from Gnomon I have bookmarked. These are very affordable. This one with Iain McCaig will be the first I buy, but first I need to get through the holidays!
CtrlPaint.com Video Library – Free. Absolutely FREE. Matt Kohr has an impressive and valuable library of videos for learning digital painting, fundamentals, and more. And they are all FREE.
There are two links missing from this folder. One is IMC – Illustration Master Class and the second is the TLC Workshops. I recently deleted them because there’s just no way I’m going to be able to attend unless my circumstances change drastically in the near the future. I’d rather focus on what I can do or at least work towards.
What learning resources do you have bookmarked?