Ravens and Owls for your Walls

Stone of Knowing II Framed

Love birds? Drawn to mysterious ravens and elusive owls? You’re in luck. I have two framed original mixed media paintings available to purchase. Stone of Knowing II (above) was last seen in the Dragon Con 2014 Art Show. The 16 x 20 inch painting features Odin’s ravens, Huginn and Muninn, discovering a magical relic, a stone of knowing.

Fly Fast II Framed The second painting, also from Dragon Con 2014, is Fly Fast II (11 x 14 inches). Who doesn’t love Barn Owls? These barn owls are messengers, flying fast into the fading light, to warn the next village the dragons are coming.

Both paintings are ready to hang with wire on the back. If you live in the US, make me an offer. I might say, yes!

You can get in touch with me at makepeace.arts@gmail.com. Mention the painting you’re interested in purchasing in the Subject line. Also, be sure to let me know you saw this post.


Stone of Knowing – Part 4

Stone of Knowing by Amanda Makepeace

Here it is at last, my first new painting for 2014, Stone of Knowing. Since I began sharing tidbits about this painting I’ve been asked whether these ravens are actually Huginn and Muninn–Odin’s ravens from Norse mythology.  While I didn’t intend for them be I think my subconscious had other ideas. Thought and Memory find a Stone with the power to control a person’s mind. Seems apt or maybe serendipitous, either way I approve! Read more