“Inn between Worlds” Kickstarter goes Live
Murchison, TX – Texas in August Studio is pleased to announce the launch of a Kickstarter for Inn between Worlds, an RPG supplement book.
The Kickstarter may be found here; http://kck.st/3e90QoT
The Inn between Worlds is an RPG supplement which explores the idea of inns (hotels) and taverns (bars). An RPG book should always provide as much useful material as possible. This supplement doubles down on being useful.
It provides a modern hotel, and a fantasy tavern-inn compound. It can be used in a modern game, or a fantasy game. Both versions of the place stand on damage to space and time. Basically, both serve as a small version of the Bermuda Triangle with its own front desk and room service.
The Inn between Worlds also provides:
· Seven new powers or stunts,
· Five new monsters,
· 12 NPCs,
· And tables for encounters and plot hooks.
Inn between Worlds also has a new subsystem, which helps a gaming group design their own version of the hotel or inn-and-tavern. So, the GM can use the predesigned version that comes with the book, or the group can design their own special take on the place.
The Inn between Worlds provides a unique set of tools for an awesome inn-tavern combo that you can use in a classic fantasy game, or a modern game. It provides a grab bag of NPCs, monsters, and new powers.
It lets PCs connect to dozens of worlds and even more adventures.
It is a place that touches many worlds, some beautiful, some mad, some terrifying.
And all those worlds are calling out for adventurers.
You do not just use the Inn between Worlds as an occasional base between adventures.
It is a home to adventures.
The writing is done, the editing is done, and the layout is done. The art is… not done!
So, yeah, this Kickstarter is to generate funds for the art for In between Worlds.
Please support the Kickstarter.