Player registration is open!
PRETTY PLEASE give the staff 24 hours AFTER you pay to clear you to sign up for games.
We have the 2018 D&D Open “The Gangs of Waterdeep” that’s great for new players. It’s an 8 hour game, with pregen characters, played on Saturday 2-midnight, with a 2 hour break for dinner.
The first season 8 Epic (Chaos in the City of Splendors) is on Sunday morning. It’s only for new characters as well.
There is content for new players and new characters (1st-4th level adventurers) in EVERY time slot. We love new players! If you’re new to D&D, or new to 5th Edition, sign up for ANY adventure that accepts level 1 characters and we’ll set you up with a character, dice, and DM who’s ready to help you get started.
We are running the entire “Embers of the Last War” Eberron campaign. This thrilling campaign is a peek into the steampunk-magic world of Eberron, and is a continuous adventure.
We will have Fai Chen’s Faire, a way for you to trade your magic items, unlock new ones, and maybe participate in some downtime activities.
Sign up on Warhorn – room is limited and we may run out of seats for certain games. If so, sign up to waitlist and we will try to find more DMs.
When you log in, make sure to set your time zone to whatever’s appropriate for you. It defaults to Pacific time. Slots on Sat and Sun start at 9am US Eastern time (if it’s showing you a different time, fix your time zone.) |