Welcome to the latest edition of Fine Photo Friday.
We’ll be posting one photo every Friday.
This week’s submission is from nature photography specialist, Larry Winslett:

Water and Rock, Maine Coast
How water shots look are always dependent on how you use shutter speed. This shot is at 1/3 of a second (f14, ISO 100.) Lens is a Canon EFS18-135. Somewhere in this shutter speed range often gives a pleasing effect to moving water. Of course other factors like the speed of the water also play a role in how the image looks. See more water shots at www.larrywinslettphotography.com
Find Larry Winslett on Facebook and Flickr. His photos are available as prints and fine art cards.
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For previous Fine Photo Friday submissions, go here.
Interested in submitting your work to be featured on Fine Photo Friday? Go to this Facebook account and send in your submission via message!