Do you roleplay? Are you looking for something to read between sessions? How about comic books from game creators? From Pathfinder 1e to original systems, there are comics on Kickstarter for tabletop gamers!
Ends on Sun, November 4 2018 1:59 AM EST.
“Erathune is a tale of Buxton, Niobe, and Skarlok in a war with their greatest foe, the Orc warlord Morka Moa!

“With a world divided who do you turn to?”
A shadow had fallen across the vast and volatile world of Asunda, as nations crumbled and oceans swelled in blood. Some say the devil walked again and no man could stand against him. But not all men are heroes and not all heroes are men.
“We all have Niobe inside ourselves, and it’s time to let her roar.”
– VIOLA DAVIS (from her foreword in the NIOBE: She is Life hardcover)
Welcome to our campaign set in the fantasy world of Asunda that revolves around our Half-Elven hero, Niobe. If you missed any previous Kickstarters, through REWARDS or ADD-ONSbelow you will be able to fill your collection. And finally our awesome Niobe Pathfinder has sample pages below! Onwards 🙂

There is nothing more dangerous and beautiful than a wild woman.
Niobe: She is Death is a tale of revelations for a young woman who is tired of running. Niobe has lost her faith – in humanity and the world around her. In the sequel to the acclaimed Niobe: She is Life, we witness Niobe’s journey from heartbroken teenager to warrior woman, when Niobe becomes a badass bounty hunter, hunting down sex traffickers and slave traders. The very ones set out by her father to track her down.
The story continues! Get the 36 page second issue (and first) in several limited cover variants. Available signed and sketched in some levels.

ERATHUNE Hardcover
His eyes told you everything. For they were the color of winter’s wrath.
Soul Sunder, the cursed axe of the Death Goddess, has led Buxton back to the town where he was raised. She has promised the old warrior two more souls to collect and he can be rid of the weapon for good. One is Morka Moa, a monster who seeks war upon his people; the other is Buxton’s brother, the king, who cast him out upon pain of death a thousand years ago. Buxton must choose between saving a city that spurned him, and being free of the axe that has enslaved him.
The oversized hardcover collects 4 issues with lots of bonus material. The Kickstarter Edition will have a reversible dust jacket and foil inlay on the cover and spine. Available signed and sketched in some levels.

ESSESSA: The Fallen #1
I know the taste of your Sin.
In her quest to save the soul of the man she loves, Niobe is offered help from an unlikely source… Essessa. But can she trust the Devil’s general? It may be that theyhave more in common than Niobe ever knew, and that Essessa has her own reasons for rebelling against The Untamed.
ESSESSA is our new KS release and Niobe’s immortal enemy! The 36 page series debut is the first issue with Niobe, Dusu, and Morka Moa on the same team! It is the follow up to ERATHUNE! Sneak peek below!

CLICK to view the Niobe #2 Preview

Stranger v Paizo!
NIOBE Pathfinder Official module – We are finally able to show sample pages created by the amazing team at Paizo, and Hyoung’s new cover!

Egg’s Thoughts:
I don’t know if there’s a more professional-looking comic that has an RPG tie-in/ties into an RPG than the floppies and graphic novels coming from Stranger Comics. That’s not to say IDW’s D&D comics aren’t awesome (the issue Jim Zub did with my childhood friend, Steven Cummings, is a personal favorite). or that Dynamite Comics’ Pathfinder books with Starfinder backups by Paizo Chief Creative Officer Erik Mona are anything other than fun reads. And that’s certainly not to take anything away from the longest-running RPG comic ever, Kenzer & Co’s Knights of the Dinner Table, who I just started writing articles for. (While we’re on the subject, let me point out IDW and Oni Press’ crossover of Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons & Dragons as a major meeting of media and RPG.) All of those books, and more, are great additions to the worlds of RPGs and comics. But when looking for a character-driven story with triple-A art, Niobe, Erathune, and Stranger Comics other books are not playing around. Painted covers worthy of the best RPGs combined with Hollywood celebrity creators, a shared universe, and an official Pathfinder 1e supplement (developed by Paizo) combine to showcase a universe that is its own plane. As an added bonus, “[f]or those that back Erathune we will have bonus Pathfinder gaming material in the back”. (Read more details here.) I reached out to Stranger Comics Sebastian A. Jones to see just how close Pathfinder will be to these books. “Def will have some fun OGL Pathfinder material in back of Erathune! We have some in back of Trades of Erathune, Untamed Killing, and Untamed Sinners Prayer. Also gonna add some to new Untamed Sinners Prayer hardcover
Plus we will have bookmarks with rune translations for our items from books!”
These books offer an engaging world, deep characters, and beautiful images combined with enough RPG to transform the title into, Niobe: She is Pathfinder!
You can support this Kickstarter campaign here.
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Looking For Group: The First 10 Years by
Ends on Wed, October 10 2018 11:41 PM EDT.
“Celebrating 10 years of the hit webcomic Looking For Group! Pre-Order for Looking For Group Vol.10 and grab lots of other goodies!

Yes, Looking For Group has already left itself a pretty hefty legacy. The antics of Richard, Cale, Benny, Pella, Sooba (What’s with all the double-letter names?) have entertained millions for over 10 years now, which includes nine years worth of books. “Wait” you say, “did they mean to type “Ten” years worth of books? Could there be a TYPO ON THE INTERNET?!?!?”
Now, before you strap on your typo cape and hit the twitters, yes, we did say NINE. Because Looking For Group Volume 10 is almost ready to go!
“Huzzah!” You cheer “let us rejoice and tell tales of— Wait, what do you mean almost?”
By “Almost” we mean almost, in that it’s almost ready. So now is traditionally when we would offer something called a “Pre-Order.”

Now, normally when we do a pre-order, we offer it through our store, and are able to offer the folks that pre-order the book the chance to get it signed by the creators, Sohmer and Lar. For the 10th book in the series though, we thought why not go bigger? Better? Bloodier?
Once the lawyers nixed the last one, we settled on Bigger & Better and that’s why we find ourselves here!”
Egg’s Thoughts:
Watch the Kickstarter video, it’s animated and awesome! LFG falls into the realm of tabletop gaming, they’re at Gen Con consistently, and that animated Kickstarter video is awesome, so I’m eager to see this book come out! Fantasy humor and gaming, what’s not to love? And you can try before you buy because it’s online – Give it a read and see if this is the group you’re looking for.
You can support this Kickstarter campaign here.
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Amber and The Hidden City Graphic Novel by MVmedia, LLC
Ends on Wed, October 10 2018 7:00 AM EDT.
“A graphic novel about an African American girl who discovers her magical powers on an amazing journey to a hidden African kingdom.


The idea for Amber and the Hidden City came from my readers. Whenever I did a book signing, parents would always ask what I had for younger readers. The answer was always, ‘I’m working on it.’ It wasn’t until my wife, a former third grade teacher turned ESOL teacher told me, ‘you should really write something for younger readers. The reality is that while many children of African descent enjoy books such as Harry Potter and Percy Jackson, they and their parents desire such books that display them as main characters as well. Which is why I wrote Amber and the Hidden City.

Amber’s story is a delightful tale that also incorporated aspects of African Diaspora and African culture and the relationships between them. Since releasing the novel in 2011, it has become my best selling book. The purpose of the Amber and the Hidden City graphic novel Kickstarter is to raise funds to produce and print the graphic novel based on the popular middle grade novel and expose it to an audience that prefers illustrated adventures. We’re partnering with Peter Daniel and Pedastudio in Lagos, Nigeria to make sure Amber’s story reaches a wide and diverse audience. With out combined international network which includes the State of Black Science Fiction group (16,000+ members), we feel confident we can raise the funds to make this wonderful project a reality.


Egg’s Thoughts:
Milton Davis and Balogun Ojetade, the creators of Ki Khanga: The RPG, along with artist, Peter Daniel, are transforming Milton’s YA book, Amber and the Hidden City, into a graphic novel. To be clear, Ki Khanga and Amber and the Hidden City are separate properties with Ki Khanga being an RPG and a prose anthology, while the other is a YA book (Milton Davis’ bestselling work) and, soon, a graphic novel. But, because Amber and the Hidden City is jumping medias, it feels right to promote it in the hopes it will lead to another jump, this time to be an all-ages RPG. Or, this project will inspire a Ki Khanga graphic novel. Either path is a win!
You can support this Kickstarter campaign here.
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Disclosures: This article contains affiliate links.
Egg Embry, Wanna-lancer™
Freelancer for EN World, Knights of the Dinner Table, Open Gaming Network, and the Tessera Guild.
Want your RPG Kickstarter reviewed? Want to share news? Press releases? Rumors? Sneak peeks? Deals? Have some RPG wanna-lancer thoughts to share? Contact me here or on Facebook (Egg Embry) or on Google Plus (+Egg Embry).