After writing the Weird Journal Prompts post, it occurred to me that what we all like to do more than generate our own Journals is to read the journals of others. It’s in movies and tv and books. How better to be able to really see into someone’s thought patterns than to read those thoughts they put down… something they only want to be able to share with this book. Something, I’d guess, to mark their exact feelings at the time they wrote it so they could look back fondly (or perhaps not so fondly) in a month/year/decade from now.
But I’ve done that one better. I’ve discovered, not unlike Indiana Jones, and unearthed some people’s journal entries that I think we all would like to read. Each have their own prompts to help them unpack some of that emotional baggage they’re carrying around.
From the Journal of Luke Skywalker
What kind of day are you having?
Awesome day! Even better week all things considered. I mean, I rescued a princess, she kissed me (on the cheek, but still… Han didn’t get a kiss), blew up the Empire’s Space Station – suck it Evil Empire!
I got a medal from the Rebellion!
Oh, and I learned how to use a laser sword and something called the Force.
What is your relationship like with various members of your family?
Well, my Aunt and Uncle are dead. And my father was betrayed by Darth Vader. So not great.
Who is someone you miss?
Ben. I know I only knew him a short amount of time, but it was like he was always watching over me.
What do you wish for?
If only I could get another kiss from the Princess…

I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day you see me, that’s on the worst day of my life.
From the Journal of Peter Gibbons
What kind of day are you having?
Apparently I missed some memo about the TPS reports. So for the rest of the day I had one boss after another come and bug me about it. I messed up. It’s alright.
I hate my job.
What keeps you up at night worrying?
That Bill Lumbergh will end up making me work on the weekend. Every… damn… time.
That, or him banging my girlfriend.
Who is someone you miss?
I wouldn’t say I was missing them.
What do you wish for?
A million dollars. If I had a million dollars, I ‘d do absolutely nothing.
From the Journal of Marty “Calvin Klein” McFly
What kind of day are you having?
It’s been heavy. My mother is in love with me, my father is a loser who has no chance with her, and if I don’t find a way to make sure these two end up together I’ll cease to exist at all!
And did I mention I’m stuck in the past with my only way home is hopping to channel a lightning bolt into the Delorean.
So, yeah, not the greatest day.
What is your relationship like with various members of your family?
Aside from my mother wanting to make out with me at every chance she gets? Oh, it’s just peachy.
What keeps you up at night worrying?
Honestly, when you realize that you may disappear randomly because you screwed up time… well, it’s hard to focus on much else.
Who is someone you miss?
Ah, Jennifer. Though, when I think of her it’s almost like she has two different faces. Weird, right?
What do you wish for?
For Doc not to get killed by the Libyans… but I have an idea on how to stop that.
From the Journal of Captain Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds
What kind of day are you having?
Ship just about ran out of gas a while back. Had to take on some new passengers, but that led to complications.
You know, it probably ain’t best for me to spell out any of my specific misbehavings. What, with the Alliance and all.
Just a random Tuesday for me and the crew. A good day.
What is your relationship like with various members of your family?
My crew’s all the family I need. I take care of them, and they… well, sometimes they end up almost getting me killed.
Now, wives… wives are a different story. And a much longer one than I have time for.
What keeps you up at night worrying?
Are we going to have enough to get to the next port? Is the Alliance going to seize my ship? Is Jane going to try and take the ship over from me? Will Kaylee be able to keep us up in the sky?
Who is someone you miss?
Never had a mind to be missing anyone much at all. Figured a long time ago, you miss someone that fiercely, you ought to make sure they never leave your side.
What do you wish for?
To keep flying. That’s enough for me.
From the Journal of Hodor
What kind of day are you having?
What is your relationship like with various members of your family?
What keeps you up at night worrying?
Who is someone you miss?
What do you wish for?
John McGuire is the author of the supernatural thriller The Dark That Follows, the steampunk comic The Gilded Age, and the novella There’s Something About Mac through the Amazon Kindle Worlds program.
His second novel, Hollow Empire, is now complete. The first episode is now FREE!
He also has a short story in the Beyond the Gate anthology, which is free on most platforms!
And has two shorts in the Machina Obscurum – A Collection of Small Shadows anthology! Check it out!
He can also be found at